Write to your MP: No to 100% religiously selective schools!

The UK Government’s Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill will allow new 100% faith-selective schools to open. Currently the law requires any new schools opened in England to be covered by the 50% cap on faith-based admissions. But the Bill is set to allow other types of school to open that can get around this. We need as many people as possible to write to their MP to ensure this doesn’t happen!

You can use our tool below to email your local MP. We have written a default letter (although we highly recommend you adapt it), and by entering your address the system will automatically identify your MP for you.

You are strongly encouraged to edit this to make it more personal – we know that MPs are more likely to take notice of personalised emails and queries, and we provide some examples of ways to do so below.

If you are a parent or carer... please say so, and talk about any relevant experiences you have had trying to get your children into a suitable local school. If you live in an area with lots of religious selection, talk about the segregation this causes.

If you are a pupil… talk about the importance of being able to access a local school and why having a diverse range of friends and classmates is valuable to you.

If you are a teacher or governor… talk about how your experience has shown you how important it is for schools to be diverse and inclusive.


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