Fair Admissions Campaign (B)

Support fair admissions and end religious selection in state funded schools
We’ve put some suggested text for an email in the box below, which you can send to your MP and Assembly Member – please feel free to edit it and add to it as you wish. They will be more likely to take notice of personalised emails and queries, so if you feel you can make your own arguments, please do so! For example:
- If http://fairadmissions.org.uk/map/ shows religiously selective schools in your area to also be socio-economically selective... then please do mention this.
- If you are a parent or carer… then please say so, and talk about any relevant experiences you have trying to get your children into their local schools.
- If you are a pupil… then talk about the importance to you that you have a diverse range of friends and classmates.
- If you are a teacher or governor… then talk about how your experience has shown you how important it is for schools to be diverse.