Humanist marriage

Please take a minute to use the simple system below to urge your MP to support the legal recognition of humanist marriages. The Government is due to make a decision on this after over three years of inaction and your MP can help influence in favour of this long-awaited change.

If we don’t act now, it could be decades – or never – before we have an opportunity like this again.

We’ve suggested some text you can use below, but please, if you are able, do edit it to make it more personal – we know that MPs are more likely to take notice of personalised emails and queries, which are infinitely more powerful than standard letters. Here are some examples:

  • If you are someone who is planning, or has had, a humanist wedding… please explain this, and the difference legal recognition would make or would have made to your special day.

  • If you are someone who have friends or family who have had a humanist wedding… please describe what the experience was like, and how it differed to other weddings you have been to.

  • If you are someone who has conducted humanist wedding ceremonies… emphasise this, and identify what makes these ceremonies distinct and special.

You can read more about our campaigns work around marriage laws. And if you have any other queries, please contact us at

Thank you for your support.


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